• Link Party: 12/12-12/16

    Here’s what I’ve read lately: 1. “My President Was Black,” by Ta-Nehisi Coates. This is essential reading. 2. I love Instagram poet Cleo Wade‘s posts. 3. The meme of the year was emails. 4. The history behind octopi wearing top hats. 5. The greatness of Teen Vogue. Have a great week.

  • Link Party: 6/13-6/17

    I read so many great articles this week, and I couldn’t pare them down to the best six because they were all. so. great. The more the merrier. Here’s what I read: 1. Can Netflix survive in the world it created? (My take: probably not.) 2. How Silicon Valley nails Silicon Valley. (Do you watch this…

  • Link Party: 5/4-5/8

    I’m very, very sorry that I’ve been MIA this week. I have to tell you, it’s been a rough quarter in terms of scheduling: I don’t get home most weeknights until 6:30 or 7 p.m., and by then my brain is mush. But I have a lot of ideas for posts next week, and things…

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