• Link Party: 6/27-7/1

    Here’s what I read last week: 1. I will really, really miss The Toast. 2. Bill Cunningham was a rare gem and I was very sorry to hear of his death. Because I really, really think you should know about him, here are two articles. 3. The present and future of the Washington Post, courtesy of…

  • Link Party: 6/13-6/17

    I read so many great articles this week, and I couldn’t pare them down to the best six because they were all. so. great. The more the merrier. Here’s what I read: 1. Can Netflix survive in the world it created? (My take: probably not.) 2. How Silicon Valley nails Silicon Valley. (Do you watch this…

  • Link Party: 5/30-6/3

    Here’s what I read this week: 1. “Seven People Dancing,” by Langston Hughes. 2. A father takes his 14-year-old daughter to see Hamilton. It’s okay if you tear up a little bit while you read this post. 3. The fabulist who changed journalism. 4. Even though I have my reservations about the candidate herself, this…

  • Link Party: 5/2-5/6

    This week was a great week in Internet writing. Here’s what I read: 1. This new Joan Didion piece is just her notes from reporting on the Patty Hearst trial in the 1970s, and it’s still incredible writing. I am in awe. 2. America and Allrecipes. 3. The eternal magic of Beirut. 4. The stories of…

  • Link Party: 1/18-1/22

    What happened to all of my time this week? I have no idea. Back to regularly scheduled programming next week. Here’s what I read: 1. This is a fascinating article on the future of parking — I have reservations about self-driving cars, but I’m all for making cities more livable. 2. I originally listened to this…

  • Link Party: 1/4-1/8

    Here’s what I read this week: 1. An abridged history of red lipstick. 2. I did not know that private, off-the-record briefings between Barack Obama and media members were a thing, but now I’m glad I do. 3. The parallels between web design and architecture. 4. The deep space of digital reading. 5. The second-season title…

  • Link Party: 11/9-11/13

    Here’s what I read this week: 1. I loved this article about how the world is still interested in the tenants of punk rock. 2. The Four Seasons is offering a round-the-world trip in 24 days for $120,000. It actually sounds terrible. 3. Let’s talk about why people from Southern California, including myself, through the…

  • Link Party: 10/26-10/30

    Here’s what I read this week: 1. You might be a basic witch. 2. Baby Michel Foucault. (Side note: The Toast made me laugh a lot this week.) 3. Here’s another book to add to my very long list of books to read: “The Other Paris.” 4. The fascinating history of the midnight movie showing.…

  • Link Party: 10/5-10/9

    Here’s what I read this week: 1. The secret to great driving songs. 2. This story about a New England magazine that has managed to stay in business for 80 years makes me believe in the future of journalism. 3. After reading about it and how it’ll stream Paul Thomas Anderson’s latest movie, I think…

  • Link Party: 8/24-8/28

    Oh man, what a week. That’s all I can say. Here’s what I read: 1. This writer played a word game based on Moby Dick when he had insomnia. His observations are fascinating. 2. A highly scientific, real-life exploration into how anyone could possibly like the rapper J. Cole. (Disclosure: I liked his latest album when…

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